Is It Necessary to Replace a 25-Year-Old Furnace?

Modern furnaces last a long time. With proper care, yours might last up to 30 years. However, when your furnace approaches that age, it’s often a good idea to replace it, even while it’s still working. Here’s why replacing your 25-year-old furnace is a prudent move.
You’ll Get an Efficiency Boost
On average, a 25-year-old furnace likely operated at about 78% efficiency when it was brand new. But after 25 years of wear and tear, it probably is substantially less efficient than that. Buying a new furnace would give you a major efficiency upgrade, with even a minimally efficient new furnace operating at 81% efficiency.
You’ll Avoid Costly Repairs
Even if your furnace is working perfectly now, there’s no guarantee it will stay that way. And if your furnace breaks down in the middle of the winter, you may have little choice but to absorb the cost of an expensive repair just to get the heat back on. If you replace your furnace now, you can avoid getting stuck in that unenviable position.
You’ll Ensure Your Home’s Safety
When it comes to old furnaces, cracked heat exchangers are a common problem. It happens because the metal of the heat exchanger expands and contracts over and over again from the fluctuating temperatures. Eventually, this leads to the metal turning brittle and developing a crack. A cracked heat exchanger can lead to a carbon monoxide leak. By replacing your 25-year-old furnace with a new one, you’ll avoid any chance of your furnace developing a carbon monoxide leak.
If you’re ready to replace the furnace in your Marion, NC, home, count on Morris Heating & Cooling to help. We offer complete HVAC installation, maintenance, and repair services, along with indoor air quality services and ductless HVAC services, too. For over 20 years, we’ve been the go-to HVAC experts in Marion and its surrounding area. So, give us a call at Morris Heating & Cooling and we’ll handle all of your Marion home’s heating needs.