Furnace Installation in Glenwood, NCThe time may have come for you to request a furnace installation in Glenwood, NC. There are numerous signs that can tell you that you need a furnace replacement, but the system’s performance is the main thing to consider. Is it short-cycling, cycling for longer than usual, or blowing air out too weakly? Maybe you had the furnace repaired before, in which case its poor performance may never change. Also, take note of your monthly bill because a lack of warm air combined with a spike in the bill is a bad sign.

    Furnaces last between 10 and 15 years, so if you’re debating with yourself whether to repair or replace your unit, just consider your system’s age. We wouldn’t recommend fixing an old system if the repair itself is going to be costly. Ultimately, you’ll want a technician to come over and give an expert opinion as to how you should move forward. You’ll also receive a quote to help in your decision-making.

    Glenwood Furnace Installation Service

    Glenwood residents should know that the furnace replacement process isn’t too complicated once they decide to purchase a new system. However, they must keep in mind that there are many factors to weigh in their choice.

    A technician can take into account the following:
    • The size of your living space
    • The rate of heat loss
    • Insulation type and levels
    • The number and type of your windows

    Your home’s square footage is important because furnaces have a specific heating capacity. Get an oversized furnace, and it will heat your home so quickly that you’ll be uncomfortable, and cold spots will remain. On the other hand, a furnace with insufficient heating capacity will cycle for extremely long periods while never reaching your desired temperature.

    As for the rate of heat loss, this refers to the speed at which heat escapes from your home when it’s cold outside. Before installation, you may want to address any areas in your home that don’t contain the heat so efficiently.

    If you want to switch to a different fuel for your next furnace, our technicians could tell you about the pros and cons of electric, gas, and oil furnaces. If you’re installing a furnace for the first time, we’ll plan with you on where to lay down the ductwork. With pre-existing ductwork, you can count on us to complete the furnace installation in only a few hours.

    Furnace Replacement Experts in Glenwood

    Furnace Replacement Experts in Glenwood

    For more than 20 years, Morris Heating & Cooling has been handling furnace installation in Glenwood. Besides that, we perform yearly maintenance and repair furnaces whenever possible, even staying available 24/7 for emergencies. To find out more about our heating team, or to schedule an appointment for furnace replacement in Glenwood, call us at Morris Heating & Cooling today! We also offer furnace repair and furnace maintenance services.

    Need to replace your aging air conditioner? Our team carries a great selection of HVAC systems for AC installation or replacement. Call today to get started!